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Театр классического балета находится в Санкт-Петербурге, Россия


Аbout the ballet

Our repertoire

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П. Чайковский «Лебединое озеро»

П. Чайковский «Щелкунчик»

П. Чайковский «Спящая красавица»

А. Адан «Жизель»

А.Минкус «Дон Кихот»

Ф.Шопен «Шопениана»

Н. Римский-Корсаков «Садко»

Ф. Шуберт «Звездный мальчик»

Б. Асафьев «Бахчисарайский фонтан»

Музыкально-театрализованная композиция для детей по балету П. Чайковского «Щелкунчик».

Театрализованный концерт-путешествие «Путешествие по балетам»

The members of the Classical Ballet Theatre are all graduates from the world famous Vaganova School who have already performed all over the USA, UK, Western and Eastern Europe. 

In Saint Petersburg Classical Ballet Theatre is used to play in the Emperor Hermitage theatre of the State Hermitage. 


The repertoire of ballet consists of such performances as "Giselle”, "Swan lake”, "Sleeping Beauty”, "Nutcracker” as well as various Gala-concerts (Evenings of ballet stars). 

Such kind of Gala Concerts celebrate fragments of famous ballets such as "Sleeping beauty”, "Giselle”, "Swan lake”, "Raymonda”, "Silphida”, "Esmeralda”, "Corsair”, "Don Kihot”, "Spartak”, "Markitanka”, "the Bahchisaray fountain”, "Karmen”, "Sheherezada”, "Legend of Love”, the masterpiece of Russian ballet - "The Dying Swan" and many others. 


Productions of St.Petersburg Classical Ballet theatre can boast the participation of masters of the highest order who are known as treasures of ballet art. The music of great composers and the high level of acting make every visit to the theater a special event.